On the next day of revealing iPad to the public, lot of jokes and humouros article flooded the internet. Bloggers and techy peoples are divided among the goodness of iPad. But most of the site criticizes the lack of anticipated or regular features that is not available on the iPad. It doesn’t even have USB plug on it, and no camera even!
Apple claims the iPad is a device between Smartphone and Laptop. But actually what it is then? We can’t carry it on our pocket, so that's not a phone; we can’t use it like a laptop either. $499 just for browsing web, reading emails and watching videos ! Oh, it doesn’t even capable of multitasking, so no reading eBooks while listening to songs or a quick mail check :)
And have we thought something about the prices yet, Some people has? And they found out that Apple iPad (16gb) costs only $270 usd !! including hardware, R&D and manufacturing costs.
Read more about what’s the actual cost of the iPad in this post.