
Uninstall Office 2010 manually

Sometimes you can't uninstall Microsoft Office 2010 with the help of uninstaller for various issues. For example, I was uninstalling Office 2010 beta to install the full version. And when the uninstalling is in progress, loadsheding occurs. As a result the unistaller gets corrupted and no way  I can unistall the Office 2010. If something occurs to you like this or anything else : you might find the solution here useful.

Microsoft Fix It offers an solution to completely remove Office 2010 from your system when you are unable to uninstall it in usual manner.

Just download the FIX and run. The program will take care of everything by its own. Download by clicking the Fix It Button below.

If you want to remove another version (Office 2007 or Office 2003), its also available in their site.

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